Thursday, July 16, 2020

International Political Economy (Choose Any One From The List.) Essay

International Political Economy (Choose Any One From The List.) Essay International Political Economy (Choose Any One From The List.) â€" Essay Example > What is globalisation? Globalisation, although only recently popular, is not a new concept. Most people do not understand what globalisation is and it is approached as if it’s a taboo subject, almost entirely out of humanities control. However, globalisation has been around for centuries at best and life as we know it today is a result of changes that have occurred over an extremely long period of time. Classifying globalisation itself is not an easy task because the term is used in relation and correlation with a myriad of processes. Most people take the idea of globalisation to mean the spreading similarities amongst nations; the concept does not just adhere to this alone though. In its most basic form globalisation can refer to a process whereby similar events take place in more than one part of the world simultaneously. These events are not mere coincidences but are connected to one another and there is a consistent spread and increase in the number of connections between †œdiscrete national entities, ” (Stalker, 2000:2). This definition however, points more towards internationalization and in a strict sense globalisation transcends simple connections. There is not a doubt that the process stated above denotes the characteristics of globalisation, the missing link here is the fact that it’s one step ahead of internationalization i. e. it doesn’t just consist of countries connection at a level whereby events occur simultaneously, it literally consists of a plane at which “discrete national entities are themselves dissolving so that all major political and economic decisions will ultimately be transmitted globally, ” (Stalker, 2000:2). This is a supposed new world that has taken centuries to construct. It has resulted in the literal death of geography and has made impossible the existence of a stand alone state. No country can survive without interaction with other countries at this point and time. A century ago this kind of a world could no t have been imagined; the heights that have been achieved could not have been envisioned. The best example of this is China; it was a closed economy that kept itself locked from the world markets for most part in the former years. But if you look at it now, china is everywhere. You can buy anything from toasters to Chinese clothes. The communist country had resolved to keep itself shut off from the outside world but even with strict censorships and control it is now taking its place amongst the world heavy weights, and it’s here to stay. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that if the Chinese economy was to collapse right now, the world market would suffer another crisis because almost every major market in the world is affected by the Chinese market which has become one of the main world suppliers in almost everything that can be bought or sold (Scholte, 2000). The effects of globalisation can be seen all over the world from people listening to hip hop music in Japan to Americans serving Indian samosas with coffee. Cultures have been traded along with norms, values and beliefs all over the world. It isn’t just about the world markets; the world itself has mixed within itself.