Wednesday, November 20, 2019

About the book The New Jim Crow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

About the book The New Jim Crow - Essay Example This new approach towards racial control is more dangerous as it does not rely on obvious racism, but rather resorts to a very tacit and sophisticated sort of racism. To many readers the theory enumerated by Michelle Alexander regarding the new approach towards racial control may seem more of a rhetorical propaganda, but if one considers the available facts and data, the point made by Alexander comes out to be valid and true. The assertions made by writer Michelle Alexander regarding the dynamics of race in the contemporary American society are indeed valid and do deserve a serious consideration. The apparent racism of the past has reinvented itself to appear as being more unbiased, while it systematically goes on to target the racial minorities. The claim made by Alexander that a professedly color neutral justice system is more poised to target the African Americans and the colored people, does seem valid in the light of the research conducted by varied other experts. As per Walker, Spohn and DeLone, the law enforcement and justice system in the US is more biased towards the African Americans and other racial minorities (493). Even a cursory historical perusal of the race related issues in any print publication does testify to the fact that though the criminal justice system in the US may not exactly come out as being hostile towards the racial minorities, yet, it is a fact that in some stages, the criminal justice system happens to be biased towards the racial minorities. For instance many aspects of the criminal justice system like the selection of the jury do come out as being balanced and color neutral, there are varied other stages of the criminal justice system like seeking a harsher penalty or sentence, which are mor e biased towards the African Americans and the other colored people in the US. Hence, the claim extended by Alexander that the criminal justice

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